@ Lukes | Press Reviews

This blog contains press articles that are related to Gilmore Girls and/or its cast members, published since the show first started airing in 2000. The articles are archived according to the date they were added to the blog. Their original publishing dates are posted in their titles.

Sunday, July 23, 2006

(June 2006) Scott Patterson knows what to do with his GG money

Scott Patterson knows what to do with his Gilmore Girls money
Posted Jun 16th 2006 12:33PM by Joel Keller

Anyone remember when Scott Patterson -- currently playing Luke Danes on Gilmore Girls -- played Elaine's "spongeworthy" boyfriend on Seinfeld? Well, that was probably Patterson's first big role, but it didn't exactly start the money rolling in. In fact, according to this New York Daily News article, Patterson's earnings in the two years before he got the Gilmore part were $23,000 and $33,000 (yikes -- he made that little money despite his high profile roles? Shows you how hard it is out there if you don't have a regular series).

But seven years on a hit show has Patterson in the money. But he didn't always spend it well. The article details some of the mistakes Patterson made at first -- he lost a bundle on eToys stock, for instance -- before seeking the help of former actor and current financial planner Jeffery Fishman. Now, he's actively involved in planning for his future, whether the acting jobs continue or not.

By the way, Patterson is 47. Wow. Didn't realize he was that old (I figured he was closer to 40). At least we know the guy takes care of himself.
